maandag 21 december 2015

Donald Duck takes language as its theme

Dutch is a wonderful language from which we translate into other languages, or to which we convert exotic linguistic expressions. For example at a national level Donald Duck contributes to children’s vocabulary and helps preserve our own Dutch language. The issue dated 10 December took language as its main theme, hinting in advance at the Groot Dictee, (Grand Dictation; a national dictation competition) that is to be held shortly.

Enriching vocabulary
The Donald Duck magazine is aware of the role it plays within language development in the Netherlands. A large number of children grow up with the magazine and a wide variety of adults like to read it. The 10 December issue took language as its central theme, for example Donald Duck and his neighbour Bolderbast take part in a spelling competition. They both put each other’s names on their form, in order to avoid being humiliated because of their poor language skills.

Aabévé Vertaalbureau: top translations in almost every language combination.

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